A Narrow Escape

On Wednesday, I almost had another biking accident, but this time with my ex-boyfriend.

Which would have been ridiculously bad.

Although also funny; only cosmically, not personally.

It unfolded rather simply. I had unlocked my bike, and was moving to cross the Danforth. As I stepped out from between two cars, inching my wheel forward, another cyclist whipped past, narrowly missing my front tire. At the last possible second, I realized who it was.

"Hi, Spider!" he said to me cheerfully, as he continued on by.

I can't say what the expression on my face must have been. I can hope that some sort of combination of roiling disgust, tinged with pity and apathy won the day -- but I think it may just have been confusion and relief. My mouth was sort of hanging open, and my brow a little furrowed, by the time I took stock of myself.

I do not talk to Autobahn anymore, for a variety of reasons; and I dislike running into him, for many of the same reasons. The chance that he could have run into me on the street, and sent us both sprawling, crashed, to the pavement; and the prospect of having to actually speak to him, ask questions like,

"Are you okay?"
"Is anything broken?"

makes my skin crawl.

Conversely, the situation would also have given the words "drop dead" a huge amount of weight, but unfortunately, I don't imagine I would have been able to bring myself to say it.

Even though it would have been funny. Cosmically.


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