Serial Update, Part III

Last week, I got doored.

Which is the bike riding equivalent of an en route clotheslining. At the last minute, out whips the obstacle and, pow!


Impact. Oh, my yes. And a skid. And a very, very lucky Spider clambering up from the pavement, with a skinned elbow and a left glute that is still not exactly back to normal. Although, to be fair, it's colour almost is.

The villain responsible was a rather stunned looking cabby. Who got yelled at something fierce by the onlooking resident street-watchers of Dundas West.

Poor Bria (which is bicycle's name); I don't know if she'll ever be the same. Her back wheel is potato-chipped. Her right pedal is bent askew. She complains constantly. She clinks and clanks. I worry about riding her long distances.

Thankfully, my trusty utility-belt includes an EpiPen with a single shot of "Understanding-That-Shit-Happens-At-The-Last-Of-Possible-Moments, " as well as a behavioral modifier chip which can be implanted directly into the brain lickety split, which prevents one from throwing one's beloved mode of transport through the windshield of aforementioned oblivious cabby's automobile.

I think I bought it from the Bay, if anyone wants to pick one up.


Comrade Chicken said…
Which ring in Dante's hell can cabbies be found in?

Cycle Solutions.
444 Parliament, N. of Gerrard.
Hella nice guys. Lickity split service. Very reasonable. Good as Bay new.
Mine just got sent in for virtually the same thing.
Fatty learned the valuable lesson to not play chicken with transports anymore.

Fear not, the glutes will maximise again. It takes about 6 months, though. Good thing you made the discovery of not being a cheap whore. Missing parts of bottoms are one of the first things detected.

Can't wait to kiss it better!

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