IV. How He Repairs

The actual phone message was angry. So angry in fact that for a moment hearing it, I thought I may have actually stolen something while under the effects of a voodoo induced trance. Something like an entire liquor order. Or a manager's car.

"I won't be needing you at the waterfront anymore; or any of the other restaurants; ever. We're done."

A good, punctate receiver click never really gets old, does it?

I had been eating sushi on a Friday afternoon, en route back to the new apartment. I'd splurged, thinking that it would be a nice thing to treat myself to, as motivation to make it through the upcoming scheduled 4 days of solid horror. The lacquered boat had just arrived: cool, colourful tiles of fresh fish glistened. As I listened to the message my stomach knotted. Goodbye, little fish.

The other details of the message were at best, vague. Besides the actual firing, there was no content.

"I have some very loyal people who have worked for me a long time and, well, Things travel."

What those Things were still hasn't been established. By voicemail. Bah!

My darling Comrade told me later, cheerfully, "All the best people I know have gotten fired! What did you get fired for?"
"I'm guessing, but probably for an attitude problem."
"Hurray! An attitude problem! Cheers, darling!"

When you say to the universe that you need a change, it really doesn't let you down.

I have been unceremoniously terminated about four times in my life. Sometimes fairly, others not so. This one stuck in my craw, but really, it was a shitty job to begin with; what I didn't want to brook was the interference with my timeline, my plans with Mustardseed.

High blood pressure runs in my family. I was beginning to see little spots.

I will not be undone by petty tyrants.

Let's think outside the box. I feel I have done all I can do in restaurants for the time being. My patience, especially now, is slim to nil. I cannot countenance the unreasonable power structures that are so prevalent in such an ego driven business anymore. I'm going to start snapping necks.

"Lots of places are hiring right now."

This process, pounding the concrete flags, filled me with dread. The whole project seemed a dead end.

I did talk to Said Tyrant the day after the fateful message.

"I'd like an explanation."
"An explanation?"
"Well, frankly Spider, I haven't been very impressed with your work. You just don't seem all there all the time. You've only been working for me for two months, you should be eager and willing; chipper."
"Some warning would have been appropriate."
"Warning? You should know how to do your job."

Ah. What became apparent was that the platitudes and the vagaries were not the main issue. I had been shit talked by the head bartender, the Surly Welshman. He had volunteered that I had been bad mouthing her, the management and the establishment itself. To customers.

I hadn't.

I did not volunteer that information to her, and she never asked for confirmation. It was immaterial, in any case.

"I like you as a person, Spider, but I think it's time you took a break from the industry."
Thanks to you, I don't think I have a choice.
"What do you think?" she then asked me.
"I'm not going to discuss this with you, Said Tyrant."

And then she offered to write me a letter of reference, which I found odd, and perhaps indicative that she may have realized that she acted out of turn.

"I won't be using you as a reference," I informed her.

And I won't.

The relationship between employer and empoyee is often executed as one of authority and subservience. It is not. It is a partnership. Respect needs to exist on both sides for it to work successfully, especially long term. This dynamic, however, is particularly hard to find in restaurants as owners often view employees as individuals out to rip them off. An attitude which frequently motivates them to do so. Yes, the cycle of life.

Maybe I do need a break.

Maybe it was time to do something radically different. Something entirely new. Something daring.

A plan was forming. Reparations underway.

So the surveying began. Floated the idea to Those Most Loved, Turtle and Cobra and Mustardseed, Kengee and Satan's Little Pixie. There seemed to be unanimous support. Well, all except for Ms. Montieth. He was rather tepid and skeptical.

It took a couple of weeks to get rolling, a document to procure, some processing time, a picture taken. Two weeks in July with nothing to do but ride around, and barbecue and beach, chat and drink. Glorious. I've not had a summer holiday in while.

I had the time to help Turtle get her stuff together, as she has undergone Big Change as well: off to Australia to begin a Masters degree in Environmental Conservation. She had been accepted just three weeks before having to be there. A whirlwind followed. It was nice to be able to spend some time with her before she left.

My mother and I deposited her at the airport looking somewhat dazed, but she's safely there. Studying kangaroos. Ha! Of course it would be kangaroos. I miss her already.

But, I had two weeks to catch my breath.

Two weeks to get up my nerve.


Anonymous said…
I will not be undone by petty tyrants.

This I need tatooed on my ass. No... somewhere I can see it. My forehead perhaps. Or the inside of my arm.

Very happy to see so many post as of late. Soon the ibook will liberate us all!

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