Your Attention Please

There are some things which need to be addressed.

First off, work (no matter what the venue, type or style) is still work. No matter what associations you might have with a paticular industry, the fact remains that if you intend to make a living, a certian amount of professionalism will most likely benifit you. Ergo, everyone is not on drugs; so please stop looking me in the eye, welling up with concern, and telling me that you're worried about my safety and my health.

I'm fine.

Thank you.


Second is the not having internet access at home thing. Whoa, boy; sucking beyond measure, let me tell you. Last week I spent a good hour slaving over what was shaping up to be a fairly witty, tongue in cheek sort of post about a recent adventure, when the computer at the internet cafe suddenly logged me out by its own volition... and sent my post into the ether. Every pixel sucked dry. No ones to punctuate the zeros.

I was not happy.

So apologies all round for not posting in over a while.


Third is the shout out to all you charming people who have started to actually comment on this blog.

I love you all.


Rye said…
I was wondering about the whole non-posting thing. Welcome back.

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