It's Not A Mess In Here

It is becoming evident to me that many bloggers, if one were to generalize, are what you might call organized folk. Many of those who make a go of this particular shot at the communication medium are list makers and arrangers, people who make things line up "just so". Everything in its place, all places labeled.

I am not one of those people. Obsessive codification and systematic arranging makes me sleepy. I do, however, generally know where almost everything is, in a vague sort of subconscious way. Except my keys. I never know where my keys are. When I need something, like a specific book, or some knick-knack for this or that project (I have projects... they take time and unspecified amounts of concentration; this is why I don't call people back; I am not just sitting at home watching telly) I feel like I'm dowsing for water, stumbling about with some forked sprig -- ah, ha! the thesaurus! Somehow I knew it was in that end table.

I wonder if my brain works something like Google's algorithms....

In any case, it's got me thinking about classifications and systems of organizing information, file folders and dewy decimals and such, and wondering if the advent of new systems of scanning and retrieving pertinent information, like the search engine, won't eventually modify the way that people consider putting things in order. Header, label, sub-label may eventually become a thing of the past. If you just need to ask for the piece of information you're looking for to have it delivered to you, might not this kind of thinking spill over into the more physical world as well? Will the way that people understand systemization actually change?

Could the age of organized chaos be upon us?

Has my day finally come?


Rye said…
I stick with you. I don't use tags or anything but an inbox and a sent messages folder.

You always make time for the things that are important to you.

Like reading this blog.

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