My New Favorite Number

A side effect of my work, especially when coupled with prodigious amounts of alcohol, is the annihilation of reservation. I'm getting real good at talking to people, and beyond that, my skills as a flirt are no longer recognizable. I'm operating at a level of efficiency I find completely alien. It never used to be this easy. I used to be shy. Well, shy-ish. What happened to that?

Don't know exactly, but one thing's for certain: that ability to love, which I fear has been burned right out of my heart, is not necessary to raise the bar concerning sexual adventure. Love, shmuve. Let's be very, very bad instead.

Oh, yes. Lets.

The thing about going home with a couple, say a pair of tall, beautiful boys with cheeky slogans on their tee shirts, especially when they've been together for about a year, is that you get to be the guest of honor. Thrust snug in the middle, so to speak. I don't know that anyone could actually turn down the opportunity to be a birthday present. I know now that I certainly can't.

And who would want to? It's a worthwhile activity, charitable even: backs arched, fingers spread and clenched; busy, busy, busy. We spent a couple of hours, this way, that way; over, under, through.

Then a friendly kiss or three, out the door, and down the street a 24 hour deli, where I had a smoked meat sandwich as big as my head, and ate all the chips while text messaging Turtle in Australia.

Turtle: Ever spend an afternoon digging up skulls? I have.
Spider: The skulls are good, I'll admit. As for me, after six weeks of not going out, just went home with two boys and had crazy sex. That sort of thing doesn't happen often.
Turtle: Threesome, huh? Don't think I'd have the guts for that. Lots of fun I expect.
Spider: Twas tons of fun. I will probably be more freaked out about it tomorrow... right now am having 4am sandwich. Then bed. Blessed bed.
Turtle: Mmm, food. Enjoy both food and bed. And don't be too freaked out tomorrow. Love me.
Spider: I will never stop loving you, dear sister. Kisses.
Turtle: 8-)

Turns out, I'm not freaked at all. In fact, I have a new affection for the number three, triangles and trios all. Yes, indeed.

I realize that it all starts with the dancing. Out to make mischief on the dance floor. The years of raving, and before that skanking about to alternative music at Tullulah's Cabaret; a persona came to life in those steps, a rather naughty rake, and he's been given new energy now that he has a stage to operate on. He's a little shameless, getting better at what he does,

and likes being a birthday present.

More trouble is sure to ensue.


Anonymous said…
Great. Now everyone thinks I'm psycho. There not suppose to think that until AFTER I come at them with the axe, and then it's too late. You've ruined everything!
Anonymous said…
silly turtle! we all new you were a little crazy. but in that extra good kind of way.

and as for you madspider... well lets just keep the trouble happening all the way around the world.

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