Fever Dreams

Nothing like being kicked in the ass by a tenacious case of the flu, just a couple of days after Christmas. I've been shivering under blankets and whimpering for the last three days. What remains of the illness is still making me a little achy, but I am no longer delirious or suffering vertigo, so that's something.

This is not what I meant when I said I'd like some more quiet time at home by myself; but those Holiday Elves, always working with the tools they've got to give you what you want....

Bless their viral ways.

"What's this, Ebola?"
"No! Don't give 'im that, that's fatal. Besides, it's too rare 'round here to waste."
"Fair enough."
"I have some chicken pox!"
"We gave that to him back in '91, during the Christmas recital, don't you remember?"
"I'm not the one in charge of keeping notes."
"No, but seems to me you are in charge of --"
"Focus, fellows! Who else has some ideas?"
"Well, colds are overdone."
"And it's physically impossible for him to have contracted herpes recently."
"Oh. Guys! You know how he refuses to get the flu shot?"
"Perfect... go with god, young one."


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