Q & A

"You don't tell them your real name do you?"
"Of course not. I have a stage name."
"So what is it?"
"That's pretty cheesy."
"It's a cheesy industry. What's better though are the stories I make up when I'm talking to people."
"You just make shit up?"
"I need to pass the time somehow. It's personally entertaining."
"And the best thing that you told someone?"
"That I didn't really have a stable home growing up because we moved around a lot."
"That's true though."
"Yes, but it gets better. The guy asked me why we relocated so often."
"Real estate fraud; Mom and Dad were a couple of crooks. You'd be surprised at how much money you can make scamming the poor, unsuspecting folks of sleepy, Northen Ontario towns. The downside being, just when you start to get settled -- bam! -- it's time to grift the rubes, and off you go. I didn't even know what my real last name until I was ten. I thought it was regular for everyone just to switch and get a new one every couple of years."
".... You can't be serious."
"I kept a straight face."
"And they were never caught?"
"Retired. Mom's a school teacher now. Dad's gone legit."
"He bought it?"
"A strip club is about fantasy. I think in most cases the willing suspension of disbelief is enacted by walking through the door."

I'll say this, I'm never bored.


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